
Fillow Flask Saas Admin Bootstrap Template


Fillow Flask Saas Admin Bootstrap Template

This documentation is released on 14 May 2024

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Flask - On Your Local Machine -

This page contains all the necessary information for setting up your project. Here, you'll find a detailed list of prerequisites required before you commence your project work. Ensure that you follow each step diligently to avoid overlooking any crucial aspects

For Windows

Install Python

Flask is a Python web framework, it necessitates the installation of Python on your system. Python

After completing the installation, open the command prompt and verify the installed Python version by running this command.

python --version
Install PIP

To install pip first we need to download file. To do that go to this link and save this file by ctrl + s in the same file where the python is located.


Now pip is installed in your system, you can check it through this command

pip --version
Install Flask

Now we have everything we need to install flask. We can easily install flask by running this command in the command prompt.

pip install flask

We are done with setting up flask in our system, now you can code all you want in flask.

For Linux

Update System

Update your system by executing the below given command in your terminal.

sudo apt-get update
Install Python

Although you already have python installed in your system, as it is included while installing any linux based os, but if it is not included run the following command to install python.

sudo apt-get install python3

Check the version

python3 -v
Install PIP

Pip is included with the python versions above 3.4. So if you have installed python version which is above 3.4 then you can skip this step

Run this command in the terminal to install pip

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install Flask

Now we are all set to install flask in our system. Run this command in the terminal:

pip install flask

Setup Jiade

Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer. After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal / command prompt from the root directory of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

  • Command Description

  • python -m venv environment_name

    Create Virtual Environment on linux & mac OS

  • python -m venv environment_name

    Create Virtual Environment on Windows OS

  • source environment_name/bin/activate

    Activate Environment on Linux & mac OS

  • environment_name/Scripts/activate

    Activate Environment on Windows OS

Run below commands for install the libraries

Although you already have python installed in your system, as it is included while installing any linux based os, but if it is not included run the following command to install python.

pip install -r requirements.txt
Run The Flask Project
flask --app --debug run

open the link in your browser to view the project.

Run The Flask Project across the network
flask --app main run --host=

Folder Directories -

  • package
    • fillow
      • __pycache__
      • static
      • templates
    • requirements.txt

Theme Features -


		var dlabSettingsOptions = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_1",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_1",
		sidebarBg: "color_1",
		sidebarStyle: "full",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full"

Color Theme -

So many color option available

  • color_1
  • color_2
  • color_3
  • color_4
  • color_5
  • color_6
  • color_7
  • color_8
  • color_9
  • color_10
  • color_11
  • color_12
  • color_13
  • color_14
  • color_15
		var dlabSettingsOptions = {
		typography: "poppins",  		More Options => ["poppins" , "roboto" , "Open Sans" , "Helventivca" ]
		version: "light",       		More Options => ["light" , "dark"]
		layout: "horizontal",   		More Options => ["horizontal" , "vertical"]
		primary: "color_11",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
		headerBg: "color_1",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
		navheaderBg: "color_1",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
		sidebarBg: "color_11",			More Options => ["color_1," , "color_2," ..... "color_15"]
		sidebarStyle: "compact",		More Options => ["full" , "mini" , "compact" , "modern" , "overlay" , "icon-hover"]
		sidebarPosition: "static",		More Options => ["static" , "fixed"]
		headerPosition: "fixed",		More Options => ["static" , "fixed"]
		containerLayout: "full",		More Options => ["full" , "wide" , "wide-box"]

		var dlabThemeSet1 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_12",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_12",
		sidebarBg: "color_12",
		sidebarStyle: "full",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

		var dlabThemeSet2 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_9",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_9",
		sidebarBg: "color_9",
		sidebarStyle: "mini",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

		var dlabThemeSet3 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_6",
		headerBg: "color_6",
		navheaderBg: "color_1",
		sidebarBg: "color_1",
		sidebarStyle: "full",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

		var dlabThemeSet4 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "horizontal",
		primary: "color_5",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_1",
		sidebarBg: "color_5",
		sidebarStyle: "full",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

		var dlabThemeSet5 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_8",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_8",
		sidebarBg: "color_8",
		sidebarStyle: "full",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

		var dlabThemeSet6 = {
		typography: "poppins",
		version: "light",
		layout: "vertical",
		primary: "color_13",
		headerBg: "color_1",
		navheaderBg: "color_13",
		sidebarBg: "color_13",
		sidebarStyle: "compact",
		sidebarPosition: "fixed",
		headerPosition: "fixed",
		containerLayout: "full",

Credits -

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  • In Order To Ensure Your Website Is Live, We Will Customize
    The Template According To Your Requirements And Upload It to the Server.

Version History - #back to top

v1.0 - 14 May 2024
  • New - Created & Upload Fillow Flask